TCHS Band Presents Zentangle: Marching Show of the 2022-’23 Season

Photo captured by band volunteer, Kris Compton

Leda Jimenez, Editor-In-Chief

The Colony High School Band unveiled its 2022-2023 Marching show – Zentangle. The show’s premise is to portray the concept of abstract art through visual aspects and music. 

“It’s certainly different from what I’ve done before, Mr. Light is really the inspiration,” Head Band Director Michael Larkin said. “A couple of years ago, he had some of the students do a Zentangle artwork project for the band. If you go outside, as you exit near the water fountains, look above and you’ll see Zentangle artwork.”

The marching show theme was announced back in May 2022. Featuring musical selections: Dawn of Life by Paul Walker, La Mer by Debussy, Ara Batur by Sigur Ross and EnLIGHTenment by Timothy Mahr, the show uses various visual and musical aspects to put together an abstract piece representing Zentangle.

“We wanted something that was very segmented and had a lot of different solos,” Larkin said. “Just as when you look at a Zentangle picture, you have a lot of different colors and a lot of different patterns.”

The show in itself is representative of meditation and finding a new sense of self, a trend the Cougar band program seems to be following of late. The program has integrated not only a new design team, but also new methods for the students to learn their drill and new uniforms.

“I’m excited to debut our uniforms,” Larkin said. “We’ve got some sequins on them [as] I wanted sparkly from the field, so we can stick out a little bit, while still remaining and keeping some previous uniform- keeping our identity. As people see the uniform, they’ll know that it’s still The Colony with the upgraded twist to it.”

Photo captured by band volunteer, Kris Compton

Larkin also added that the band has been able to learn choreography faster this year than before. In previous years, the students learned drill first and sometimes went back to choreography, but now they’re able to learn both in their new process. Part 3 of Zentangle, Ara Batur, puts into motion the full efforts of the band and color guard’s choreography.

This segment is the most visually-inclusive. The band starts in a pose following a series of choreography. The color guard then adds on to the previous visual feature during an ‘impact moment’ musically, where they feature blue swing flags. 

“Part 3 is very fluid,” Freshman Color guard Member Allison Carrizales said. “It’s nice seeing the band add to the show visually and getting to compliment that in a way with our swing flags.”

The marching show is like a story and has parts to it. With part 3 being the most emotional and detailed, as its the ballad, some members like junior drum major, Mikayla Phillips, find that Part 4 is a personal favorite. She says that it’s not only emotional, but exciting.

“It’s combined with a sentimental feeling and an awesome one at the same time,” Phillips said. “We have the ballad that’s emotional, but it’s still not as impactful. I feel like it’s the resolution. when you see the light again, which is kind of what Part four is.”

The elements in the show establish numerous emotional connections to not only the audience, but members of the band, as well.

“Everyone knows that feeling when a song just really hits you- that’s why it’s your favorite,” Phillips said. “It’s the same way with band. When you have a really good show, It’s easy, It gives you goosebumps. It makes you feel a little bit liberated for just a few minutes and if it’s really good, you’ll never forget it.”

This Saturday, the band will debut Zentangle at their first competition- the Hurst Euless Bedford(HEB) competition at Pennington Field in Bedford, Texas. Before then, however, the percussion kicked off their competition season by placing 2nd at the Plano Drum line Contest. The band’s preliminary performance begins at 12 p.m.