Preparing to Say Goodbye

Leda Jimenez

Senior Daisy Rojas Martinez prepares to say goodbye and graduate.

The bell rings dismissing everybody to their first period. I walk to class passing by the senior graduation countdown by the counselor’s office. It’s now less than 40 days away. As each day comes to an end the day comes and I realize I won’t hear these school bells ringing anymore, sometime soon. 

I’ve been walking these same hallways for four years. Back and forth. As a freshman I remember always hearing my older brother say “those four year will go by quicker than you think.” 

I used to just shrug it off because four years seemed like forever but I was clearly oblivious of how fast the day would creep up. I was not prepared for what those four years had in store for me.

As the class of 2022 has grown from their first day of freshman year to soon their last day of high school we have faced the good and the bad that comes with high school. Preparing for what comes next in our education or life after high school.

Throughout high school I’ve faced my fair share of bumps in the road. At times it almost felt as if I were drowning and nobody could rescue me. I’ve hit rock bottom several times, but I am appreciative of those that stuck around until the end that helped with overcoming those bumps that I kept seeming to hit. My biggest support has been my friends throughout this entire experience. Nobody else would relate or understand where I was coming from like they did. It was us being each other’s support system through it all that really helped me during school’s tough times.  

I joined my school’s AVID program my freshman year. This program has taken a huge part in my life helping me in becoming a better student. My teacher along with the program have helped lead me in the right direction towards college. I have received endless support in this program. It’s been a huge help with applying to college and helping with senior year overall. The application process has been more smooth than expected with the advice and guidance. I’ve made some close friends because of my AVID class. You truly do connect and bond with those in your class since we’re all on the same page about attending a college after high school.

The most exciting part of senior year have been the senior events for the class of ‘22. Some of the events in which we have had that I’ve attended is senior sunrise. I woke up early so that me and my friends would arrive before the sunrise that morning. All the seniors along with myself brought blankets to lay on the football field with their friends. There was breakfast provided from Chick-Fil-A for us to eat as we watched the sunrise. We took pictures as the sun was rising, we also made videos in which we were talking to our future selves and we’ll watch them on senior sunset to see what we said to ourselves.

Additionally, my friends and decided to attend as many school home games as possible this year. We didn’t get to go to our school’s games during my junior year due to all the Covid-19 precautions. On Friday nights during football season is probably when I remember having the most fun. It was always a good night whenever I attended the games. The intense sound coming from the bleachers. Walking up them hearing all the loud chants from our student section- unforgettable. 

As these chapters of my life come to an end I’m torn as to whether to be sad, anxious or happy about this.

Part of me is in complete bliss about finally seeing the end of quizzes, homework, and waking up early to make it on campus before 8:20 a.m. The other part of me is overwhelmed with anxiety about what I am doing next. I’m no longer bound to the decision making of others which is completely new for myself. The thought of making the wrong decision is nerve wracking but I’ve come to terms that making wrong decisions is a part of life. Therefore, all I can really do is hope that the knowledge and lessons learned from being in high school have shaped me into somebody that is ready to start being an independent individual. 

So, goodbye (almost) TC.